Monday, September 10, 2007

Soleminzer Chosen...Hotel Next???

Just called and managed to secure the solmenizer (Brother Emmanuel) for our Big Day. He is such a funny fellow, asking me why I had to 'book' him so early when the wedding is still about a year away. Well regardless of our leadtime, I think it is in the Singaporean culture to 'chope' or book everything early, to avoid any disappointment.

Anyway Peggy and I will meet him in person sometime later in Dec 2007 or in early Jan 2008 for an official confirmation and signing of the consent form. This consent form will need to be either faxed or mailed to the Registry of Marriage (ROM) for their processing and acknowledgement.

Well another item off the "To-Do" list. I'm glad that Peggy and I started this off as early as we could..

Next on the List would be choosing of the venue and more importantly the packages available for us...Will be visiting some of the hotels for a better understanding of what they can offer us and hopefully book one by latest early Oct..As Peggy mentioned, I'll definitely want to keep this as intimate as possible but also pleasing the elders in fulfilling their traditions...

Looking to Being Together For Every Sunrise & Sunset


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